
I'vetriedrestartingthePS3,resettingtheHDMIsettings,changingthedisplaysettingstoonly720pinthePS3(Whichlefttheelgatonotabletodetectit ...,1)ConnectyourPlayStation3toElgatoGameCaptureHDusingthesuppliedPlayStation3cable.2)ConnectyourTVtotheHDMIOutportofElgatoGameCapture ...,ElgatoGameCaptureHD60onlyacceptsunencryptedHDMIinputthatdoesn'tprotectthesignalviaHDCP.ThePS3outputsvideoviaHDMIthatisprotect...

PS3 connected to HDMI Splitter then to Elgato HD60 Pro not ...

I've tried restarting the PS3, resetting the HDMI settings, changing the display settings to only 720p in the PS3 (Which left the elgato not able to detect it ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Elgato Game Capture HD setup

1) Connect your PlayStation 3 to Elgato Game Capture HD using the supplied PlayStation 3 cable. 2) Connect your TV to the HDMI Out port of Elgato Game Capture ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) is not supported by Elgato Game Capture HD60

Elgato Game Capture HD60 only accepts unencrypted HDMI input that doesn't protect the signal via HDCP. The PS3 outputs video via HDMI that is protected via HDCP ...

Elgato HD60 S+ showing a black screen on ps3

#3. hey this is pretty easy fix , if you are using an Elgato hd 60 s , copy the settings i'm using and this should fix your issue ,also im not ...

Using El Gato HD 60 to capture PS3 w CFW, is there a way to ...

There is no software solution for retail consoles. Also you can try recording plugin, but is not compatibile with some games.

Elgato HD 60 PS3 Workaround? [HELP] : rletsplay

Hey guys, so I'm trying hook-up my PlayStation 3 to use with the Elgato HD 60. I know that it normally does not work due to the HDCP issue ...

PS3 with the HD60X? : relgato

Go to google and type HDCP bypass splitter. This is key because a lot of the splitters on Amazon specifically says “does not bypass HDCP”.

How to connect PS3 With elgato HD60 S+ Easy How To #Tutorial

Learn how to connect your PS3 step by step to your iMac computer with the Elgato HD60 S+ and splitter. A simple easy tutorial you can ...

How To Capture PS3 Footage On An Elgato HD60S ...

Comments258 · Making a YouTube Video Using Only a PlayStation 3 · HOW To Record/Stream On PS3 Using ELGATO HD60 IN LATE 2024 · Elgato Game Capture ...