
2016年12月1日—IheardthattheElgatoGameCaptureHD60onlyworksonthe360,theXboxOneandPS4andnotonthePS3.WhatyouwillneedtogetisanHDMI ...,UsingyourPlayStation3withElgatoGameCaptureHDiseasy,afterafewminutesofsetup.SetupVideo.MakesureanHDMIcableisnotattachedtoyour ...,2016年4月6日—NowIknowtechnicallyitdoesn'tsupportthePS3,butIknowoftheworkaround...Buyspliter(striper),orElgatoGameCaptureHD.OrD/A ...,2020...

Elagto capture HD 60 S working on PS3

2016年12月1日 — I heard that the Elgato Game Capture HD60 only works on the 360, the Xbox One and PS4 and not on the PS3. What you will need to get is an HDMI ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Elgato Game Capture HD setup

Using your PlayStation 3 with Elgato Game Capture HD is easy, after a few minutes of setup. Setup Video. Make sure an HDMI cable is not attached to your ...

Using El Gato HD 60 to capture PS3 w CFW, is there a ...

2016年4月6日 — Now I know technically it doesn't support the PS3, but I know of the workaround ... Buy spliter (striper), or Elgato Game Capture HD. Or D/A ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) is not supported by Elgato Game ...

2020年10月25日 — PlayStation 3 (PS3) is not supported by Elgato Game Capture HD60 S · unplug the hdmi cables from the hd60s and only there. · next, unplug the USB ...

Elgato HD 60 PS3 Workaround? [HELP]

2015年1月26日 — I know that it normally does not work due to the HDCP issue on the PlayStation side. I've heard and seen that there is supposedly a work around ...